Q: Where is my shipment?
- A: To track your shipment, start by providing our team with your PO# and Item#. You can easily locate these details on your order’s page. Alternatively, you can share your UPS tracking information, also found on your order’s page.
Q: Can I change my shipping address?
- A: Absolutely! You have the flexibility to change your shipping address.
Q: Can I change my shipping address after it’s shipped, especially if it needs to go somewhere different from the original address?
- A: If your shipment is still at the UPS facility, we can make the address change. However, once it’s in transit, we won’t be able to make any modifications.
Q: How can I get a quote for shipping?
- A: Simply send us an email, and we’ll provide you with an estimate for your shipment based on your order details and weight.
Q: I have a missing or damaged box.
- A: In case of a missing or damaged box, file a UPS claim. The processing time typically takes about 5-10 business days, depending on the situation. You may also need to contact our customer service department, depending on the circumstances.
Q: Why do I receive multiple boxes instead of one combined box?
- A: Sometimes, customers order items with different urgency levels. To ensure that rush orders are delivered promptly, we might ship them separately from non-rush items. This way, you get your important items faster.
We’re here to make your experience as straightforward as possible, and we’re always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns.